Backyard Coachella Themed Party | KOChella

Kunbi O / Sunday January 13, 2019


Can I turn 30 forever? This has been the most exciting year ever, considering I turned 30 and got to throw a heck of a birthday weekend. We invited our friends over to Lancaster for Memorial Day weekend and celebrated with 2 different parties (I’ll share the main event with you next week, so make sure you come back!) Today, I am sharing Day 2 which was a backyard coachella themed party aptly dubbed “KOchella“. This started off with casual planning between my sister Seye, my friend Bolanle and I, but it blossomed into it’s own incredible event filled with everything I love about parties- cheeky details, fun games and the best memories. So without further ado, here you go guys! Welcome to KOCHELLA! All images are by Clique (with my brother Tunji as second shooter).

Coachella Themed Party #KOChella